This post was originally published on Defender Network

By Laura Onyeneho | Houston Defender | Word In Black

(WIB) – Americans are at a tipping point — with tipping, that is.

There is an increased frustration with “tipflation,” the pressure to tip at places that traditionally didn’t expect it. The result? More people tipping out of guilt than out of appreciation for good service.

The culprit? The digital tipping prompt. These screens ask for a 20%, 25%, or even 30% tip from coffee shops to takeout counters to convenience stores. Unlike a tip jar you can easily ignore at the cashier, these digital versions create social pressure and make it difficult to bypass, especially when your choice might be on display for others (including employees) to see.

This shift in tipping culture highlights the reliance on a system that keeps wages low for service industry workers in the expectation that customers will make up the difference. While tipping can be a way to reward exceptional service, the current system needs to be more consistent and leaves workers at the mercy of individual customers.

I remember stopping by one of my favorite Thai food spots, and once I placed my order, the waiter turned the prompt over, giving me three mandatory tip choices. I cocked my head to the side as the waiter patiently held the card payment machine. I clicked the customized tip button and selected “$0.00.” (Yeah, I know it sounds mean, but hear me out). I was taking my food to go. What exactly do you need the tip for? You are doing your job and taking my order. That’s it.

There should be alternatives that provide service industry workers with a more stable and predictable income while still allowing customers to reward exceptional service.

Ultimately, the goal should be a system that ensures fair wages for service industry workers while allowing customers to recognize outstanding service. Moving away from our reliance on tipping fatigue could benefit workers and customers.