
OPINION – “You don’t need to compete against someone who’s not worthy of being competed against.” – Tiana Burse

Recently I found myself playing the competition game. The plot against myself and someone else which in most cases doesn’t end well from a psychological standpoint. With the “what if, why not and how come” pouring into my mental state, I felt as if I was taken back to a place where I perceived myself as unworthy while questioning my own perfect imperfections.

While some suggest that competition in most cases is a healthy thing, I couldn’t help but to wonder what idiot would be so cruel to suggest such a thing?

As the world evolves around us and as we find our way to evolve with it, it has become easier and easier to compare our lives and ourselves to other people that have what we want in life by way of social media or otherwise. Whether it be someone that we desire in a relationship, business partner or a lifestyle that we have a longing for there comes a point where we start to ask ourselves competing questions like: “What does she/he have that I don’t? What’s so special about them to have their success? And Why don’t I have what they have?”

As I pulled myself together in one mental piece, I got to thinking about you, me and the rest of the humans in this world who spend countless days, months and even years competing for things that they have no control over. In fact, I couldn’t help but to wonder if the only thing we should be concerned about competing against is the best version of ourselves?

If the appearance of what others have and do play a dominant role in our own mental self talk which 87% of the inner dialogue is negative, then isn’t it possible that we start to challenge our own way of thinking by coming to an understanding that our rival is not other people, but rather the time we let pass us by, knowledge we neglect to attain, the health we sacrifice along our own path and our own inability to act on our ideas.

Because in the end our greatest competition is the one we have with ourselves.

Be Bold. Be Great Be You.